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Christian Education

Children's Ministry- Kid Safe Zone

Children's and Youth Sunday School-Kid Safe Zone 

Niemonds offers a Sunday School program for all children and youth ages 2-Sr. High.

  • Ages PreK-Kindergarten

  • 4th-8th Grade 

  • Jr. & Sr. High 

Check In Station

The children and parents will need to check your child in at the Check-In Station. The child will receive a sticker with their name & number. The parents will receive a matching sticker for the child. The parent will need to present the sticker when picking up their child.

​​All teachers and helpers are required to have on file at the church a Child Abuse & Criminal Clearances

All volunteers (18 years of age and older) who work with children and youth (18 years of age and younger) are required  by state and federal law to complete a criminal and child abuse clearance.

If you need help with the clearance process, please contact the church office for more information at 717-694-3700 or by email at


Children's ChurchNiemonds offers a Children's Church program for children age 4-2nd Grade.

Check In Station

The children and parents will need to check in your child in at the Check-In Station. The child will receive a sticker with their name & number. The parents will receive a matching sticker for the child. The parent will need to present the sticker when picking up their child.

For the safety of our children, only those with Child Abuse & Criminal Clearances will be allowed in the Kid Zone area.

All volunteers (18 years of age and older) who work with children and youth (18 years of age and younger) are required  by state and federal law to complete a Criminal Records Check and Child Abuse Clearance. If you are in need of these physical forms, please select the appropriate hyperlink. If you have any questions or concerns, please direct them to the church office by phone at 717-694-3700 or by e-mail at

College students

 Sunday School starts at 9:00 AM-9:45 AM.

  • Bob Leitzel is currently teaching a group of young adults college age.

Adult Sunday School

 Sunday School starts at 9:00 AM-9:45 AM.

  • Pastor Ron is currently teaching the adults.

Adult Bible Studies


While we highly value our Sunday morning services, and Sunday School programs, as integral to the growth of our congregation, we also believe that more intimate, often home-based studies allow for even deeper exploration of the things of God: herein lies the function of our adult, youth, and children's Groups.


Adult and Young Adult Bible Study Groups 

  • 9:00 AM Tuesday Morning- Ladies Bible Study led by Faith Compton. 

  • 6:45 PM Wednesday Evening Ladies Bible Study led by Val Berrus.


7:00 PM Wednesday Evening- Youth Groups are led by Sarah Brubaker, Derek Wisner and Pastor Ron.

© 2017 

Niemonds Independent Church- 36964 Route 35 Richfield PA 17086 -(717) 694-3700

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